Winter Solstice

Hello my friends,
tonight is a special night in Iran! we call it Yalda night and this night is the last night of autmun! oh poor autmun, we are leaving it alone for a whole year! obviously tomorrow is the first day of winter in Iran so Yalda night is like a wall between these two seasons, Iranian people want to pass this wall tonight!
you should also know that Yalda night is the longest night of the year and winter solstice occurs at this time!
I don't want to describe these things in a scientific way because it takes too much time!

for people of other countries that they don't use modern Iranian calendar (Iranian calendar is different from other countries calendar because it's solar hejri calendar), depending on the shift of the calendar, Yalda night is celebrated on or around December 20th or 21st each year.

let me tell you what do people do at this night, usually people and their relatives gather together in their parents' house and they celebrate this night by drinking hot tea and consuming nuts and fruits such as orange, watermelon, pomegranate, pumpkin and some other winter fruits! of course watermelon is not a winter fruit but I don't know why do people consume it! the purpose of consuming these fruits and nuts at this night is to protect themselves from winter diseases!

I don't have any plans for tonight!

have fun ;)


Unknown at: December 22, 2010 at 9:38 AM said...

Oh there's Yalda night in Korea, too.
It's Dec 22th and it is called 동지, Dongji.
It's the longest night.
And Korean people eat rice and red-bean porridge, called 팥죽.

I miss you, buddy! :)

Omid at: December 22, 2010 at 10:52 AM said...

oh fantastic!
I didn't know it Emily!

happy 동지 (Dongji) night!:) have fun!

I miss you too my friend! ;)

Pooya at: December 23, 2010 at 6:18 AM said...

hi friend , happy YaldaNaight

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